SQLite files are held in simple flat files.
And it can contain lots of tables.
However they add information to it so that it knows what the schema looks like, and where stuff is located.
I guess I have to disagree with their explanation of what a flat table is and the ability to do joins. That information is wrong.
1. Most people call a DB table flat if it does not have any indexes.
2. You can do joins on a single table. It's is done all the time.
For Example: assume you have a list of persons, with orders showing the date and item ordered. If you want to find the last date and item they ordered you do a subSelect against itself.
The table order has personNum, orderNum, orderDate, and itemNum.
To find the this information you create a subselect as follows:
FROM order
WHERE orderDate = (SELECT MAX(ord1.orderNum)
FROM order as ord1
WHERE ord1.personNum = order.personNum)
Filling a DB.
Most sqlite database managers will let you load tables. However they are usually used to load small tables of a few thousand records or less. If you need to load millions of records, it's probably faster and easier to simply write a program.
Most DB managers also let you dump CSV files and Schema data.
Assume you dumped your DB into a CSV file using the standard where the fields are surrounded with double quote (") and separated with a comma (.), you can load your data doing something like this:
sqliteconnect #sql, "yourDb" ' Connect to your DB
open DefaultDir$ + "\public\data.txt" for input as #f
while not(eof(#f))
line input #f, a$
a$ = dblQuote(a$) ' escape the single quote
a$ = strRep$(a$,"""","'") ' replace double quote with single quote
print a$
sql$ = insert into yourTableName values (";a$;")"
#sql execute(sql$)
close #f
#sql disconnect()
' -----------------------------------------
' Convert single quotes to double quotes
' -----------------------------------------
FUNCTION dblQuote$(str$)
i = 1
qq$ = ""
while (word$(str$,i,"'")) <> ""
dblQuote$ = dblQuote$;qq$;word$(str$,i,"'")
qq$ = "''"
i = i + 1
' --------------------------------
' string replace rep str with
' --------------------------------
FUNCTION strRep$(str$,rep$,with$)
ln = len(rep$)
ln1 = ln - 1
i = 1
while i <= len(str$)
if mid$(str$,i,ln) = rep$ then
strRep$ = strRep$ + with$
i = i + ln1
strRep$ = strRep$ + mid$(str$,i,1)
end if
i = i + 1
As far as writing a program to look up your information and maintain your database, there is already a program to do this.
Go to the Run Basic projects here
runbasic.wikispaces.com/Projects Download 1. SQLite Database manager to maintain your DB,
and 2. RBgen - this will do your table query and maintenance you want.
Hope this helps
Have a great day.