Post by Carl Gundel - admin on May 15, 2009 14:54:03 GMT -5
Here is a quick example of RunWiki modified to use MySQL instead of SQLite.
The biggest differences are:
-The MYSQLCONNECT command expects a username and password, which are not there for the SQLITECONNECT command.
-The SQL that creates the tables is different.
-I needed to use BIGINT instead of INT for the seconds column in the pages table because SQLite supports much bigger values for INT.
Since I am a MySQL newbie I welcome any pointers from those more experienced.
The biggest differences are:
-The MYSQLCONNECT command expects a username and password, which are not there for the SQLITECONNECT command.
-The SQL that creates the tables is different.
-I needed to use BIGINT instead of INT for the seconds column in the pages table because SQLite supports much bigger values for INT.
Since I am a MySQL newbie I welcome any pointers from those more experienced.
'Run Wiki v1.01 for MySQL
'This is the original Run Wiki but for MySQL instead of SQLite. There is a
'new Run Wiki 2, but this one is included also so that users can have a simple
'wiki to easily understand and extend for their own purposes.
'define these for your MySQL database server
global dbEnvironment$, dbUser$, dbPassword$
dbEnvironment$ = "localhost" 'probably keep localhost if MySQL runs on same machine as Run BASIC
dbUser$ = "root" 'this is the default for MySQL
dbPassword$ = "Mysql" 'this is the default for MySQL
call setCSS
global currentName$, currentContent$, #editPage, #wiki, #user, #password, user$
call createDatabaseIfNeeded
currentName$ = "HOME"
call loadCurrentPage
call displayCurrentPage
sub displayCurrentPage
div title
print "Run Wiki"
div copyright
print "Copyright 2008, Shoptalk Systems"
end div
end div
div navigation
if user$ = "" then
print "Welcome, Visitor"
print "User: ";
textbox #user, "", 5 : print
print "Password: ";
passwordbox #password, "", 5 : print
link #login, "Log in", [login]
print "Welcome, "; user$
link #logout, "Log out", [logout]
end if
end div
div page
print "This page: "; currentName$
if user$ <> "" then
link #editPage, "Edit this page", [editPage] : print
end if
call renderPage
end div
end sub
call connect
#wiki execute("SELECT * from USERS where name = '"; #user contents$(); "' and password = '"; #password contents$(); "'")
if #wiki hasanswer() then
user$ = #user contents$()
call disconnect
call disconnect
div notice
print "Login failed. Bad username or password."
link #retry, "Try again.", [tryAgain]
end div
end if
call displayCurrentPage
user$ = ""
call displayCurrentPage
sub renderPage
buffer$ = currentContent$
while buffer$ <> ""
leftBrace = instr(buffer$, "[")
if leftBrace = 0 then
html buffer$
buffer$ = ""
if leftBrace > 1 then
html left$(buffer$, leftBrace-1)
buffer$ = mid$(buffer$, leftBrace)
else 'leftBrace = 1
rightBrace = instr(buffer$, "]")
if rightBrace < 3 then
html buffer$
buffer$ = ""
queryName$ = mid$(buffer$, 2, rightBrace - 2)
if (pageExists(queryName$)) then
link #exists, queryName$, loadPage
#exists setkey(queryName$)
link #doesntExist, "?"+queryName$, createPage
#doesntExist setkey(queryName$)
end if
buffer$ = mid$(buffer$, rightBrace+1)
end if
end if
end if
end sub
sub createPage name$
html "<h2>Create Page - "; name$; "</h2>"
textarea #editPage, "" : print
link #accept, "Accept", [acceptNew] : print " ";
#accept setkey(name$)
link #cancel, "Cancel", [cancelNew]
end sub
sub loadPage name$
currentName$ = name$
call loadCurrentPage
call displayCurrentPage
end sub
newContent$ = #editPage contents$()
call connect
#wiki execute("insert into pages (NAME, CONTENT, DATE, TIME) values ("""; EventKey$; """, """; doubleQuote$(newContent$); """, "; date$("days"); ", "; time$("seconds"); ")")
call disconnect
currentName$ = EventKey$
currentContent$ = newContent$
call displayCurrentPage
function pageExists(name$)
call connect
#wiki execute("SELECT * from pages where NAME="""; name$; """")
pageExists = #wiki hasAnswer()
call disconnect
end function
html "<h2>Edit page "; currentName$; "</h2>"
textarea #area, currentContent$ : print
link #acceptEdit, "Accept", [acceptEdit] : print " ";
link #cancelEdit, "Cancel", [cancelEdit]
newContent$ = #area contents$()
query$ = "update pages set CONTENT = """; doubleQuote$(newContent$); """ where NAME = """; currentName$; """"
call execute query$
currentContent$ = newContent$
call displayCurrentPage
sub loadCurrentPage
call connect
#wiki execute("select (CONTENT) from pages where NAME = """; currentName$; """")
if #wiki hasAnswer() then
currentContent$ = #wiki nextRow$("")
currentContent$ = "Page named "; currentName$; " does not exist."
end if
call disconnect
end sub
sub createDatabaseIfNeeded
mysqlconnect #wiki, dbEnvironment$, dbUser$, dbPassword$
#wiki execute("show databases")
count = #wiki rowcount()
for x = 1 to count
dbName$ = #wiki nextrow$()
print dbName$
if dbName$ = "runwiki" then found = 1
next x
if not(found) then
'create the database
#wiki execute("create database runwiki")
#wiki execute("use runwiki")
'create the pages table and add a home page
#wiki execute("create table pages (NAME text, CONTENT text, DATE int, TIME bigint) ")
content$ = "This is your initial home page for Run Wiki. Please edit this and make it your own."
exec$ = "INSERT INTO PAGES (NAME, CONTENT, DATE, TIME) VALUES ('HOME', '"; content$; "', "; date$("days"); ", "; time$("seconds"); ")"
print exec$
#wiki execute(exec$)
'add the default admin user
#wiki execute("create table users(NAME text, PASSWORD text)")
#wiki execute("INSERT INTO users (NAME, PASSWORD) VALUES('admin', 'password')")
end if
#wiki disconnect()
end sub
sub connect
mysqlconnect #wiki, dbEnvironment$, dbUser$, dbPassword$
#wiki execute("use runwiki")
end sub
sub disconnect
#wiki disconnect()
end sub
sub execute sqlStatement$
call connect
#wiki execute(sqlStatement$)
call disconnect
end sub
function doubleQuote$(string$)
if instr(string$, chr$(34)) then
for x = 1 to len(string$)
if mid$(string$, x, 1) = chr$(34) then doubleQuote$ = doubleQuote$ + chr$(34)
doubleQuote$ = doubleQuote$ + mid$(string$, x, 1)
next x
doubleQuote$ = string$
end if
end function
sub setCSS
cssid #title, "{ font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 20pt; font-weight: bold; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-image: url('/resources/electronicbanner.JPG') ; height: 80px}"
cssid #copyright, "{ font-size: 8pt }"
cssid #navigation, "{font-family: Tahoma; padding: 4px; background: #CFC; width: 150px; height: 600px; float: left }"
cssid #page, "{font-family: Tahoma; padding: 4px; margin-left: 155px}"
cssid #dialog, "{ font-family: Tahoma; background: #CFC; border-bottom: 1px solid #898; padding: 8px; width: 784px}"
end sub