Post by davos1 on May 3, 2009 14:47:17 GMT -5
I have a critical point:
rb is stroring in sqldb the characters incorrectly, spanish characters like ñ are replaced by other characters like ñ.
It is a critical point for me because if those information is not correctly stored the display of the information will be incorrect and in consequence rb will not be used in that project.
A)First case, non critical point:editing externally from RB
When writing RB programs in an outside editor the program write the characters like ñ are lost when reading from RB, those are converted to ñ
unicode does not work only strange characters, rtf not work it gives text like: {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf949\cocoasubrtf430
so, I replace manually in RB those usual characters in my language in this case: spanish...
B)The critical Second Case,
the error incresases when acting with SQL:
inside RB:
I write to SQL that character.
the character is stored incorrectly in mysqlb as ñ and not like ñ, so, all the information will be wrong.
if I try to read the character in RB from the sqlite db the character printed is ñ
if I enter manually the ñ character in the rb via a sqlite databrowser, and read those character in RB, it is read correctly
I added the html "<meta http-equiv=""Content-Type"" content=""text/html; charset=UTF-8""/> " at the start of the program but nothing happens.
how could I set the RB sqlite to store the correct characters to be writeen-read in RB correctly?
C)A snowball of errors starts because if those characters stored in sqlite made also reference to current filenames, the characters in rb sqlite and the filenames will be different from those written read in RB, also it could read the text but the string will be different in the one got in #files... also if it founds the file, it will not readit...
so I renamed manually 500 files and moved the text in the sqlite url link, but when adding info, the replacement starts and the error starts again.
-but this point C will be solved when the B point is solved-
So, my main question is:
1)how to tell RB- SQLite to store correct characters like ñ in the correct encoding to be written and read by RB correctly ?
uff, thanks a lot
I have a critical point:
rb is stroring in sqldb the characters incorrectly, spanish characters like ñ are replaced by other characters like ñ.
It is a critical point for me because if those information is not correctly stored the display of the information will be incorrect and in consequence rb will not be used in that project.
A)First case, non critical point:editing externally from RB
When writing RB programs in an outside editor the program write the characters like ñ are lost when reading from RB, those are converted to ñ
unicode does not work only strange characters, rtf not work it gives text like: {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf949\cocoasubrtf430
so, I replace manually in RB those usual characters in my language in this case: spanish...
B)The critical Second Case,
the error incresases when acting with SQL:
inside RB:
I write to SQL that character.
the character is stored incorrectly in mysqlb as ñ and not like ñ, so, all the information will be wrong.
if I try to read the character in RB from the sqlite db the character printed is ñ
if I enter manually the ñ character in the rb via a sqlite databrowser, and read those character in RB, it is read correctly
I added the html "<meta http-equiv=""Content-Type"" content=""text/html; charset=UTF-8""/> " at the start of the program but nothing happens.
how could I set the RB sqlite to store the correct characters to be writeen-read in RB correctly?
C)A snowball of errors starts because if those characters stored in sqlite made also reference to current filenames, the characters in rb sqlite and the filenames will be different from those written read in RB, also it could read the text but the string will be different in the one got in #files... also if it founds the file, it will not readit...
so I renamed manually 500 files and moved the text in the sqlite url link, but when adding info, the replacement starts and the error starts again.
-but this point C will be solved when the B point is solved-
So, my main question is:
1)how to tell RB- SQLite to store correct characters like ñ in the correct encoding to be written and read by RB correctly ?
uff, thanks a lot